National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
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Sos Agaian
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State Higher educational establishments of Armenia
(by alphabet)

1. American University of Armenia
2. Armenian National Agrarian University
3. Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport
4. Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan
5. Armenian State University of Economics
6. Crisis Management State Academy of MES RA
7. Educational Complex of Police of the RA
8. European University
9. French University in Armenia
10. Gavar State University
11. Goris State University
12. International Scientific Educational Center of NAS RA
13. National Polytechnic University of Armenia
14. National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia
15. Public Administration Academy of the Republic of Armenia
16. Russian-Armenian University
17. Shirak State University after М. Nalbandyan
18. State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia
19. Vanadzor State University after H. Toumanyan
20. Yerevan State Conservatory after Komitas
21. Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography
22. Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi
23. Yerevan State University
24. Yerevan State University of Language and Social Sciences after V. Brusov

Top 50 International Higher educational establishments
(by QS World University Rankings 2024)

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) USA
2. University of Cambridge UK
3. University of Oxford UK
4. Harvard University USA
5. Stanford University USA
6. Imperial College London UK
7. ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Switzerland
8. National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
9. UCL (University College London) UK
10. University of California, Berkeley (UCB) USA
11. University of Chicago USA
12. University of Pennsylvania USA
13. Cornell University USA
14. The University of Melbourne Australia
15. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) USA
16. Yale University USA
17. Peking University China
18. Princeton University USA
19. The University of New South Wales (UNSW Australia) Australia
20. The University of Sydney Australia
21. University of Toronto Canada
22. The University of Edinburgh UK
23. Columbia University USA
24. Université PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres) France
25. Tsinghua University China
26. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore
27. The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
28. Johns Hopkins University USA
29. The University of Tokyo Japan
30. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) USA
31. McGill University Canada
32. The University of Manchester UK
33. University of Michigan USA
34. The Australian National University Australia
35. University of British Columbia Canada
36. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland
37. Technical University of Munich Germany
38. Institut Polytechnique de Paris France
39. New York University (NYU) USA
40. King's College London UK
41. Seoul National University South Korea
42. Monash University Australia
43. The University of Queensland Australia
44. Zhejiang University
45. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) UK
46. Kyoto University Japan
47. Delft University of Technology Netherlands
48. Northwestern University USA
49. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Hong Kong
50. Fudan University China


From March 30 to April 2, 2025, the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and McMaster University (Canada) are holding an Advanced Research Workshop under the auspices of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) entitled "Low dose radiation risks: present research and future perspectives" (the Round Hall of NAS OF RA, Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 24)

On April 15, 2025, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Infoday will be organized in Yerevan

On April 29, 2025, the NAS RA, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA, the International Scientific and Educational Center of NAS RA, the Institute of Language after H. Acharian of NAS RA and the Institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan of NAS RA will organize a Pan-Armenian scientific conference on the topic "Armenian language and Armenian Literature: development trends, opportunities for popularization and their reflection in the educational process"

On May 5-8, 2025, the Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and the Yerevan State University are jointly organizing an International conference "Biodiversity, Conservation and Climate Change" (Yerevan, NAS RA main building)

On 5-9 May, 2025, Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory after V.Ambartsumian of NAS RA organizes 17th Armenian-Georgian Astronomical Colloquium in Byurakan

On 16-21 June, 2025, the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA organizes "IV International Scientific School for Radiation Physics and Related Applications named after Academician Alpic Mkrtchyan", in Yerevan

On 23-25 June, 2025, the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA organizes "International scientific school-conference 4 on acoustophysics after academician A.R. Mkrtchyan", in Yerevan and Sevan. For more information see:

On 8-11 September, 2025, the Institute for Physical Research of NAS RA is holding the XIII International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM25) in Yerevan, Armenia

Международный инновационный центр нанотехнологий СНГ (МИЦНТ СНГ) объявляет о проведении в 2025 году очередного Конкурса на соискание грантов и 18-й научной Стажировки для молодых ученых и специалистов из стран СНГ

ՀՀ գիտության և տեխնիկայի զարգացման 2020-2024թթ. գերակայության ՀՀ կառավարության որոշման նախագիծ

Publications in Press

Գիտության դեմքեր․ Վահե Թորոսյան

«Հայ-գերմանական արշավախումբն Արտաշատում պեղել է հնագիտության տեսանկյունից ամենավաղ՝ 4-րդ դարի առաջին կեսի եկեղեցի»

Արվեստագիտությունն այսօր գրավի՞չ է երիտասարդների համար. Հայ ակադեմիական արվեստագիտության երիտասարդական թևի առօրյայից

Գիտության դեմքեր․ Աստղիկ Հովհաննիսյան
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