Institute of Botany after A.L. Takhtajyan
Division of Natural Sciences
Specialization: Botany |
General Information
During the last 70 years due to the efforts of its research staff the Institute of Botany NAS RA became one of the leading botanical institutes, which carries out valuable fundamental and applied investigations on flora and vegetation of Armenia, as well as the introduction and acclimatization of plants in the Botanical Gardens of Armenia (Yerevan, Vanadzor and Sevan).
Main Fields of Activity
- Studies and conservation of Armenia’s flora, vegetation and plant resources, - Development of scientific fundamentals to improve of basic forest formations of the Republic, physiological and ecological fundamentals of ontogenesis of higher plants, introduction and acclimatization of plants; - Elaboration of scientific fundamentals of tree planting in settlements; - Studies of the dynamics of variation in Armenia’s vegetation cover to identify and investigate ecosystems of global value that comprise endemic and relict plant species.
Main Results
- Inventory of Armenia’s flora, which results are highlighted in 11 volumes "The Flora of Armenia" (1954-2010). The Flora of Armenia includes 3600 species of vascular plants belonging to 922 genera and 160 families; - Publication of the Red Data Book of Armenia (1989, 2010). The recent research data shows, that 166 of the total 452 plant species, included in the Red Data Book of Armenia are found on the Specially Protected Natural Areas. - The Herbarium of the Institute of Botany (ERE), contains over half million of herbarium sheets including specimens collected from the territory of Armenia and Caucasus (177000), as well as from different regions of the world (80000). - As a result of paleobotanical investigation during the last decades tens of new sites for fossil flora have been found, as well as tens of new for Armenia fossil plant species discovered. - The results of many years investigations on introduction and acclimatisation of woody plants in the Botanical gardens of Armenia have been summarized. The pecularities of adaptation of expositional dendrocollections are shown as well as an evaluation of dendrofloras of different botanical-geographical regions (Eurosiberia, Caucasus, Eastern Asia and Northern America) as a source of introduction of woody plants is done. - Creation of the rich collection of trees and shrubs (some 1170 species) in the Botanical Gardens of NAS RA and its affiliations in Vanadzor and Sevan.
Publications in Press
1lurer.am |
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escs.am |
1tv.am |
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