Ashot S. Saghyan
The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (since 2021), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2016)
E-mail: ashot.saghyan {[ at ]} sci.am, president [ at ] sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 527031, (+374 10) 654183
Hrant H. Matevosyan
Vice-President of NAS RA (since 2021), Academician-Secretary of NAS RA (2011-2021), Member of Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011)
E-mail: sd_fund {[ at ]} sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 527530
Artur M. Ishkhanyan
Academician-Secretary of NAS RA (since 2021), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2021)
E-mail: aishkhanyan {[ at ]} gmail.com, artur.ishkhanyan [ at ] sci.am
Lenser A. Agalovyan
Academician-Secretary of the Division of Mathematical and Technical Sciences of NAS RA (since 2016), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (2000-2006, since 2011)
E-mail: aghal {[ at ]} mechins.sci.am, lagal [ at ] sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 525835, (+374 10) 529630
Radik B. Kostanyan
Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physics and Astrophysics of NAS RA (since 2016), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2016),
E-mail: kost {[ at ]} ipr.sci.am, rakost [ at ] sci.am, physdiv [ at ] sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 288150, (+374 10) 524780
Rouben M. Aroutiounian
Academician-Secretary of the Division of the Natural Sciences of NAS RA (since 2016), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2016)
E-mail: roubenm {[ at ]} sci.am, genetik [ at ] ysu.am, rouben_a [ at ] hotmail.com
Phone number: (+374 10) 55 23 54
Levon A. Tavadyan
Academician-Secretary of the Division of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of NAS RA (since 2011), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011)
E-mail: tavadyan {[ at ]} ichph.sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 52 44 61
Yuri M. Suvaryan
Academician-Secretary of the Division of Armenology and Social Sciences (since 2011), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011)
E-mail: suvaryan {[ at ]} sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 521362
Radik M. Martirosyan
The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (2006-2021), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 1993), General Counselor of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2021)
Phone number: (+374 10) 527031
Gegham G. Gevorkyan
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2021)
E-mail: ggg {[ at ]} ysu.am, ggg [ at ] arminco.com
Phone number: (+374 10) 551148
Ashot A. Melqonyan
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2021)
E-mail: history {[ at ]} sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 52 92 63
Gevorg A. Poghosyan
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011)
E-mail: gevork {[ at ]} sci.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 530571
Gagik S. Ghazinyan
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2016)
Phone number: (+374 10) 550630
Arsen A. Hakhoumian
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2016)
E-mail: arsen {[ at ]} irphe.am
Phone number: (+374 10) 28 78 50
Vazgen Sh. Melikyan
Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2021)
E-mail: vazgenm {[ at ]} synopsys.com
Phone number: (+374 10) 492347