Members / Deceased academicians
Levon A. Tavadyan
Specialization: Physical chemistry
Place of birth: Yerevan
Date of birth: 09/06/1951
Date of death: 07/01/2025
Membership: Academician
Country: RA

Graduated from YSU (1973), Dr. of Chem. Sciences (1988), corr.-member (2010), acad. (2014)


Academician-Secretary of the Division of Chemistry and Earth Sciences of NAS RA (since 2011), Member of the Presidium of NAS RA (since 2011), Director of the Institute of Chemical Physics named after A.B. Nalbandyan NAS of Armenia (since 2006), Head of the Department (since 2011), Head of the Laboratory (since 1985)

Membership of other Organizations

Chairman of the Scientific and Qualification Councils of the Institute of Chemical Physics NAS RA, Chairman of the Expert Council of the State Committee for Science of MES RA in the field of chemistry, chairman of the "Natural Sciences" Commission for awarding of the RA President Prizes, member of the Commission of International Science and Technology Center (ISTC), member of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, member of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the RA, member of the American Chemical Society and the International Euro. Fed. Lipid Society, member of the editorial board of the Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry


Gold Medal of the State Committee for Science of MES RA (2011), Medal "In Memory of academician N.M. Emanuel", awarded by Russian AS and Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov (2012), Medal of the Armed Forces RA "Garegin Nzhdeh" (2013), Jubilee Medal "80th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (2013), Honorary Worker of the Science of RA (2014)