Members / Deceased academicians
Hamlet A. Gevorkyan
Specialization: Philosophy, law
Place of birth: Yerevan, RA
Date of birth: 10/07/1927
Date of death: 17/06/2024
Membership: Academician

Graduated from YSU (1950). Dr. of Philosophy (1971). Prof. (1972), full member, acad. of NAS RA (1996)


Chief scientific worker and head of research group of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA (since 1992)

Other information

Senior researcher of the Philosophy sector of NAS RA (1956-62), Head of research group (1962-69), Head of the department of the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law of NAS RA (1969-1992), Acting Director of the same Institute (1992-96). Invited Professor in YSU (1962-80).