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On September 16-22, 2018, Institute of Mathematics of NAS RA, Yerevan State University organize 7th International Conference “Harmonic Analysis and Approximations” dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Alexsandr Talalyan (Tsaghkadzor, Armenia). For more information see:
On Ocober 1-6, 2018, the Institute of Mechanics of NAS RA, National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Armenia, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Goris State University, Artsakh State University, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, organize 9 th International Conference on "The Problems of Interaction of Deformable Media" (Goris, Armenia). For more information see
The Institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan of the National Academy of Sciences of RA organizes a republican scientific session dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Nar-Dos, which will take place on the 1st of March, 2017 in Yerevan
On 10 March, 2017, NAS RA Institute of History organizes a scientific conference in Yerevan devoted to the 90th anniversary of NAS RA academician H. Avetisyan
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