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Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology after A. Nazarov
Division of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Geophysical observation station designed for monitoring in aquatic ecosystems

N Investment project title Geophysical observation station designed for monitoring in aquatic ecosystems
1. Sector

Earth and related environmental sciences

2. Project description

The aim of the investment project is to design and implement a stationery geophysical observation station to study aquatic ecosystem. Observation station will be an autonomous operating system in water, which will enable to determine physical parameters of water (acid-alkaline balance (pH), specific resistance, temperature and turbidity) change, to fix seismic shocks and to transfer the information rapidly through wireless communications to the center located on the shore. The possibility of simultaneous measurement of such parameters by the observation station is an innovation and is not observed in the world practice. On the other hand, the comparison of such geophysical parameters will enable to consider fully the state of ecosystem change during time period, in the right place, which is an essential advantage. In its constructive solution the observation station is a flexible system and also will be provided for exploration activities.

3. Project implementation period 18 months
4. Project location A.Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology of NAS RA
5. Project overall cost (USD) 70.000
6. Required investments (USD) 70.000
7. Own funds (USD) -
8. Creation of jobs At the beginning of the project At the end of the project
10 14
9. Payback period About 4 years
10. Annual profitability index In case of probable demand and corresponding advertisement, based on the scientific and technical basis of the Institute of geophysics and engineering seismology after A. Nazarov of NAS RA (IGES) it is possible to create a production group of 13-15 employees. Therefore in sufficient conditions for production the team can successfully produce 12 observation stations annually. According to preliminary calculation salary will be USD 67.200, electrical circuits and required construction details acquisition - USD 40.000, overhead costs of IGES - USD 12.000. For 12 observation station production USD 119.200 amount will be sufficient. The cost will be USD 9.950 per observation station: in case of realization of all products (1 observation station may cost USD 11.500), USD 138.000 amount will be paid back. At the end of the first year the profit will be USD 18.800.
11. Detailed costs

Salary – USD 54.000
Necessary components, acquisition of equipment, field testing, design – USD 13.500
Overhead expenses - USD 2.500

12. Offer to investor

Designed observation station can be of demand for the following organizations: State Committee for Water Management RA, Seismic protection services, practically all the foreign countries which have laws for water resources conservation and right use, manufacturers of water quality sampling devices of brand firms

13. Contact details

Jon Karapetyan, Director of A.Nazarov Institute of Geophysics and Engineering Seismology of NAS RA
E-mail: jon_iges {[ at ]}
Tel.: (+374 94) 798580

Water level meters
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Water level meters smart systems
Water level meters smart systems
Stationary station
Stationary station
Мobile station
Мobile station

Publications in Press

«Մասնագիտական վերապատրաստում 2024/2» մրցույթի արդյունքները հայտնի են

Հայերը Բալկաններից չեն եկել, սասունցիներն էլ ասորական արմատ չունեն․ բացահայտումներ՝ հայերի գենոմի մասին աշխատությունում

Հաստատվել են «Գիտական ստորաբաժանումների ամրապնդման ծրագիր-2024» մրցույթի արդյունքները

Հայտնագործման մեծությունն ակնհայտ է դառնում միայն պատմական հեռավորությունից. միջազգային գիտաժողով Երևանում
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