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Introduction of healing and prophylaxis activities aimed at fighting lung nematodoses of sheep and goats in Armenia

N Investment project title Introduction of healing and prophylaxis activities aimed at fighting lung nematodoses of sheep and goats in Armenia
1. Sector

Ministry of agriculture: veterinary, animal husbandry, specifically sheep and goat breeding units (private farms and other types)

2. Project description

The Project is aimed at healing and prophylaxis activities for improving health of sheep and goat populations against lung parasitoses broadly distributed in the Republic and causing significant damage to its economy including the following: animal deaths, acute decrease in sheep and goats production, as well as decrease in meat and milk products quality. New highly effective and affordable preparations against above-mentioned helminthoses of sheep and goats are offered. Detailed schemes and dosages of drugs to fight lung protostrongylidoses (type of parasitoses) of small ruminants are offered for the first time.

3. Project implementation period 2017-2019. Yearly monitoring on lung nematodoses of sheep and goats and treatment of the latter with anthelminthic drugs according to recommendations provided
4. Project location Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA
5. Project overall cost (USD) 150.000
6. Required investments (USD) 100.000
7. Own funds (USD) 50.000 - formed from various sources including targeted and international programs
8. Creation of jobs At the beginning of the project At the end of the project
7 7
9. Payback period After 2 years when agricultural units and small ruminants in question will be free from lung nematodoses
10. Annual profitability index Taking into account treating of about 50.000 (fifty thousand) of sheep and goats with anthelminthic drugs the profits would reach about 25 millions of drams or about USD 50.000
11. Detailed costs

Buying of anthelminthic drugs for sheep and goats dehelmintization – about USD 20.000; 
organization of continuous expedition for monitoring of helminths infection in sheep and goats, as well as in environment («parasitary pollution») and formation of parasitary systems – USD 15.000; 
buying of transport for the expedition and fuels and lubricants for it – USD 15.000

12. Offer to investor

To familiarize themselves with data already obtained by researchers from Laboratory of general helminthology and parasitology of the Scientific Centre of zoology and hydroecology of NAS RA to find out reality of economy effects from investments and an investment risk

13. Contact details

Bardukh Gabrielyan, Director of the Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA 
E-mail: gabrielb {[ at ]} 
Tel.: (+374 10) 285961, (+374 91) 205118 

Sergey Movsesyan, Scientific Leader of the Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA 
E-mail: movsesyan {[ at ]}

Roza Petrosyan, Probationary Head of the Laboratory of General Helminthology and Parasitology of the Scientific Centre of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA 
E-mail: petroz_4 {[ at ]}
Tel.: (+374 10) 281412

Publications in Press

«Մասնագիտական վերապատրաստում 2024/2» մրցույթի արդյունքները հայտնի են

Հայերը Բալկաններից չեն եկել, սասունցիներն էլ ասորական արմատ չունեն․ բացահայտումներ՝ հայերի գենոմի մասին աշխատությունում

Հաստատվել են «Գիտական ստորաբաժանումների ամրապնդման ծրագիր-2024» մրցույթի արդյունքները

Հայտնագործման մեծությունն ակնհայտ է դառնում միայն պատմական հեռավորությունից. միջազգային գիտաժողով Երևանում
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