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Institute of Hydroponics Problems after G.S. Davtyan Institute of Hydroponics Problems after G.S. Davtyan
Division of Natural Sciences

Biotechnology of medicinal and spice plants production by hydroponic method

N Investment project title Biotechnology of medicinal and spice plants production by hydroponic method
1. Sector

Health care, food industry, agriculture, military forces, nature protection

2. Project description

Hydroponic culture of medicinal and spice plants contributes to the obtaining of ecologically safe, quality raw material with high pharmaceutical, taste and other qualitative features. It reveals and maximally uses potential opportunities of plant due to the controlling and optimization of cultivation conditions, it contributes to the increasing of plants’ productivity 5-6 times from unit nourished surface. Through the application of a closed system, the loss and expenses of water and nutrients (per unit surface and yield) are minimized and due to the production process (mostly automated) it provides a lower cost price. Through the application of a closed system ecological pollution of the environment is excluded, as well as the risk of spread and outbreak of diseases is minimized. 
From 1 hectare of nourished hydroponic surfaces 150-200 ton/ha fresh or 15-20ton/ha dry raw material of medicinal and spice plants can be obtained.

3. Project implementation period 1 year
4. Project location Etchmiadzin Hydroponic Station of G.Davtyan Institute of Hydroponics Problems of NAS RA
5. Project overall cost (USD) 472.500
6. Required investments (USD) 122.500
7. Own funds (USD) Providing of the hydroponic station with cost about 350.000
8. Creation of jobs At the beginning of the project At the end of the project
15 35
9. Payback period 1.7 year
10. Annual profitability index In case of medicinal plant mint - 20.3%, In case of spice plant basil - 18.6%
11. Detailed costs

Preparation of the hydroponic station for exploitation - approximately USD 20.800 (only in the 1st year)
Obtaining of peppermint rhizome and other plants seeds – approximately USD 4.100 
1 ha hydroponic station exploitation in a year (electricity, water, fertilizers, crop planting and seeds sowing, care, harvest, drying, etc) – USD 97.600
Total - USD 122.500

12. Offer to investor

To organize soilless production of a number of valuable and rare medicinal and spice plants at the Etchmiadzin hydroponic station (with 2,3 ha total or 1 ha nourished surface) in collaboration with the Institute and on joint, mutually beneficial basis. 
600 m2 multi dryer (for raw material) is also available at the station.
It is possible to produce more than 35 medicinal and spice plants (peppermint, motherwort, bur marigold, sage, celandine, chicory, liquorice, chamomile, hop, melissa, nepeta, kalanchoe, aloe, stevia, basil, lemon basil, parsley, coriander, dill, thyme, savory, mint, etc.). The Institute has a multi-years rich scientific experience in the field of soilless cultivation of medicinal and spice plants. The results and economic effectiveness have been repeatedly confirmed by the large-scale productions at Etchmiadzin hydroponic station of the Institute.

13. Contact details

Albert Hovsepyan, Deputy Director of G.Davtyan Institute of Hydroponics Problems of NAS RA
E-mail: hydrop {[ at ]}
Tel.: (+374 10) 562805, (+374 91) 006052

Anna Tadevosyan, Deputy Director of G.Davtyan Institute of Hydroponics Problems of NAS RA
E-mail: anntadevosyan {[ at ]}
Tel.: (+374 10) 563015, (+374 91) 243151

Pepper mint industrial plantation in outdoor hydroponics (Etchmiadzin)
Pepper mint industrial plantation in outdoor hydroponics (Etchmiadzin)
Basil industrial plantation in outdoor hydroponics (Etchmiadzin)
Basil industrial plantation in outdoor hydroponics (Etchmiadzin)


From March 30 to April 2, 2025, the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and McMaster University (Canada) are holding an Advanced Research Workshop under the auspices of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) entitled "Low dose radiation risks: present research and future perspectives" (the Round Hall of NAS OF RA, Marshal Baghramyan Ave., 24)

On April 15, 2025, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Infoday will be organized in Yerevan

On April 29, 2025, the NAS RA, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA, the International Scientific and Educational Center of NAS RA, the Institute of Language after H. Acharian of NAS RA and the Institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan of NAS RA will organize a Pan-Armenian scientific conference on the topic "Armenian language and Armenian Literature: development trends, opportunities for popularization and their reflection in the educational process"

On May 5-8, 2025, the Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of the National Academy of Sciences of RA and the Yerevan State University are jointly organizing an International conference "Biodiversity, Conservation and Climate Change" (Yerevan, NAS RA main building)

On 5-9 May, 2025, Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory after V.Ambartsumian of NAS RA organizes 17th Armenian-Georgian Astronomical Colloquium in Byurakan

On 16-21 June, 2025, the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA organizes "IV International Scientific School for Radiation Physics and Related Applications named after Academician Alpic Mkrtchyan", in Yerevan

On 23-25 June, 2025, the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of NAS RA organizes "International scientific school-conference 4 on acoustophysics after academician A.R. Mkrtchyan", in Yerevan and Sevan. For more information see:

On 8-11 September, 2025, the Institute for Physical Research of NAS RA is holding the XIII International Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials (MSM25) in Yerevan, Armenia

Международный инновационный центр нанотехнологий СНГ (МИЦНТ СНГ) объявляет о проведении в 2025 году очередного Конкурса на соискание грантов и 18-й научной Стажировки для молодых ученых и специалистов из стран СНГ

ՀՀ գիտության և տեխնիկայի զարգացման 2020-2024թթ. գերակայության ՀՀ կառավարության որոշման նախագիծ

Publications in Press

Գիտության դեմքեր․ Վահե Թորոսյան

«Հայ-գերմանական արշավախումբն Արտաշատում պեղել է հնագիտության տեսանկյունից ամենավաղ՝ 4-րդ դարի առաջին կեսի եկեղեցի»

Արվեստագիտությունն այսօր գրավի՞չ է երիտասարդների համար. Հայ ակադեմիական արվեստագիտության երիտասարդական թևի առօրյայից

Գիտության դեմքեր․ Աստղիկ Հովհաննիսյան
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