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Всеармянский фонд финансирования арменоведческих исследований
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Фундаментальная научная библиотека НАН РА
Международная комиссия по присуждению международной премии имени Виктора Амбарцумяна
Международная комиссия по присуждению международной премии имени Виктора Амбарцумяна
Национальный информационный пункт Армении HORIZON 2020
Национальный информационный пункт Армении HORIZON 2020
EURAXESS-Armenia Portal
EURAXESS-Armenia Portal

Академическая научно-исследовательская компьютерная сеть Армении
Академическая научно-исследовательская компьютерная сеть Армении
First Scientific Meeting of the International Centre for Relativistic Astrophysics Network in Armenia

A summer school and international scientific conference dedicated to the issues of Relativistic Astrophysics were held in Armenia from June 28 to July 4. During the summer school (on June 28 and 29) in the guest house of the National Academy of Sciences of RA (NAS RA) were organized discussions among young scientists and PhD students. Then, from June 30 to July 4 the National Academy of Sciences of RA hosted First Scientific ICRANet Meeting in Armenia: Black Holes: the largest energy sources in the Universe. During the conference there were participating more than 80 scientists from Italy, Germany, France, Brazil, Korea, Iran and Armenia.

The conference opening ceremony was attended by the President of NAS RA, academician R. Martirosyan, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physics and Astrophysics of NAS RA Y. Chilingaryan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of RA G. Nazarian, the Ambassador of Italy to the Republic of Armenia G. Ricciulli, the Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the Republic of Armenia E. M. D. Monteiro, the Ambassador of Vatican to RA Monsignor Marek Sozinski. Welcoming the guests, R. Martirosyan said that the organization of such a conference in Yerevan shows that research in the field of astrophysics in the Republic corresponds to the international level and wished success to the conference participants. Then, the director of ICRANet prof. R. Ruffini briefly presented the conference scientific program and the participants, he also presented ICRANet centers in Italy, France, Brazil, as well as in Armenia.
After the official ceremony the conference started, which included reports about gamma-ray bursts, active galactic nuclei, neutron stars, supernovae, gravitation waves and etc.. There were presented the latest data obtained from a series of experiments, such as MAGIC, HESS, Fermi LAT, NuStar and etc. Recently obtained results of theoretical studies of modern problems in Relativistic Astrophysics field were also presented.
During the conference delegation consisting of participants met with the President of NAS RA R. Martirosyan and the Vice-President of NAS RA Y. Shoukourian and they discussed activities and perspectives of development of ICRANet Yerevan Center.
Then director of ICRANet R. Ruffini, director of the Naples Observatory M. Della Valle and the head of ICRANet Armenian branch N. Sahakyan met with the President of the National Assembly of RA G. Sahakyan.

Welcoming the guests the NA President highlighted the role of science in the development of our country, considering Armenia’s membership to the ICRANet jointly with Italy, Brazil and Vatican an honor. Emphasizing the conduct of the conference in Yerevan, G. Sahakyan has noted that the organization of researches and studies in the sphere of astrophysics in Armenia is based on deep scientific traditions and potential and it was greatly contributed by V. Ambartsumian and his school. He highly assessed the role of the ICRANet Regional Center, which can be of major importance for using the Armenian scientists’ potential, supporting researches and implementing educational programs.
The director of Inter-Church Relations of Mother See, Artic Diocese Leader Bishop T. Hovakim Manukyan greeted the conference delegation in the Mother See and conveyed blessing of His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. During the meeting Bishop Hovakim gave importance to the organization of such conferences.
During the meeting the historical path of Armenian Church was introduced to the guests, particularly educational and social modern activities, as well as close cooperation and achievements in the field of Inter-Church relations.
Interesting results which were obtained during the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Due to the high level of the conference organization and warm atmosphere of Armenia, it was decided to organize similar conferences in the future again.


С 15-19 октября этого года приглашаем принять участие на 12-ом международном симпозиуме "Оптика и ее применения", который пройдет в Ереване (Армения) (12th Symposium on "Optics & its Applications (OPTICS12)). Срок регистрации: 15-ое августа 2024г.

С 11 по 13 октября 2024 года в Национальной академии наук РА состоится всеармянская научная конференция "Eстественные науки, математика, техника, информатика в XXI веке: проблемы популяризации и обучения и пути их решения"

29-30 августа в круглом зале НАН РА пройдет международная конференция «Проблемы историко-культурного наследия в постсоветское время»

12-го июля в 12:00 в круглом зале Президиума НАН РА (г. Ереван, пр. Баграмяна 24) состоится презентация двуязычной книги географа, картографа, картоведа Рубена Галчяна "Исследование "исторических" карт Национального атласа Азербайджана 2014 г. и вымышленный термин "Западный Азербайджан""

Международный инновационный центр нанотехнологий СНГ (МИЦНТ СНГ) при поддержке Межгосударственного фонда гуманитарного сотрудничества государств - участников СНГ (МФГС) и Объединенного института ядерных исследований объявляет о проведении конкурса на соискание грантов на разработку проектов в рамках деятельности МИЦНТ СНГ в 2024 году и очередной Стажировки молодых ученых и специалистов стран СНГ в Дубне в апреле - мае 2024года

ՀՀ գիտության և տեխնիկայի զարգացման 2020-2024թթ. գերակայության ՀՀ կառավարության որոշման նախագիծ

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Քոչվորներից մինչև ֆերմերներ. նեոլիթյան հերթափոխը. Մաքուր պատմություն

Էկոլոգիական ֆիզիոլոգիայի նորաբաց լաբորատորիա՝ պետական աջակցությամբ

«Խոշոր պլան». Մագիստրոսական նոր ծրագիր կենսաբազմազանության թեմայով

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